2025 Expo

from $300.00

Be a part of our growing Expo! All prices based on two-day reservations.

National Brands:

10x10: $1000

10x20: $1400

Standard pricing: Local/regional businesses and Food vendors

10x10: $600

10x20: $800

Non-profit pricing:

10x10: $300

Electrical Add-on (if you need electricity source)


Days and Space Size:
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Be a part of our growing Expo! All prices based on two-day reservations.

National Brands:

10x10: $1000

10x20: $1400

Standard pricing: Local/regional businesses and Food vendors

10x10: $600

10x20: $800

Non-profit pricing:

10x10: $300

Electrical Add-on (if you need electricity source)


Be a part of our growing Expo! All prices based on two-day reservations.

National Brands:

10x10: $1000

10x20: $1400

Standard pricing: Local/regional businesses and Food vendors

10x10: $600

10x20: $800

Non-profit pricing:

10x10: $300

Electrical Add-on (if you need electricity source)


If you need access to electrical, please add Electrical Ad-on to your Cart